Cleaning out closets can be a daunting task. One of the first and easiest ways to narrow down your clothing collection is to take out any clothing that does not fit. It is easy to hold onto clothing in hopes that we will one day be that size. A much better idea is to sell those clothes and use the extra cash to buy a wardrobe you can enjoy now.
An easy rule to follow that will help you to get rid of unwanted clothing is to set aside items you haven’t worn in the past 12 months. Look over each of those items and ask yourself if you would ever wear it again, if you would purchase the item now, and if you love the way the item looks on you. If you cannot answer yes to any of those questions, it is something you should sell.
There are several companies who will purchase used clothing throughout the UK. Each company will have specific guidelines concerning the items they will purchase, but there are a few rules that are universal. Some items you may not able to give are, anything damaged or stained, items that smell like smoke, items that are covered in pet hair, and/or items that are personalized.
Basic clothing items are the perfect candidate to be sold. This will include any newer tops, bottoms, shoes, and dresses. A lot of companies will accept gently used undergarments and swimwear as well. While you are cleaning out your wardrobe, do not forget to grab any unwanted jewellery and handbags.
Each company you work with will offer you different prices per clothing items. Many companies you work with will offer you a flat rate per the weight of the clothing. This will be a great way to get rid of a large amount of clothing easily. You can lump together all the unwanted clothing and get a decent amount of money for whatever you have.
Most companies will supply you with packages to pack up unwanted clothes for vending. You will pack up your clothes and send them to the company. You will then receive compensation for the items. You can usually receive this money through direct deposit, a check, or PayPal.
One of the most rewarding parts of selling unwanted clothes is not the extra cash, but that you will be helping someone in need. Most companies that purchase gently used clothing will then vend them for low prices. This will allow those less privileged to purchase these items for cheap.
Nothing will make you feel better than knowing that your clothing is going to someone who will truly appreciate it. This is especially great for children’s clothing as it is often only lightly worn. Then you will know your child’s clothes are going to help another child whose parents may not be able to afford brand new clothing.
Selling unwanted clothing is a great way to get read more organized while also making some extra cash. You can clean out closets, pack up anything you no longer need, send it in, and wait for the cash to arrive. You can then take this money and put it towards a new wardrobe or other items you need. It will also make you feel great knowing that your gently used items will help someone in need.
Genie Recycling is a clothing purchasing company in the UK. To sell your unwanted items, you will fill out a form on the site. To see which items are accepted or unaccepted, you can visit: website Rid of Unwanted Clothing by Selling It Today